
Bespoke Training

Our tailor-made training sessions can be designed to suit your budget, team size, location, duration, level of previous experience and topics of interest! Whatever your training needs are, get in touch with our team and we can discuss your options.

Find out more below and use the form below to enquire.


Make an enquiry


“Michael was able to answer all questions and appeared to be actively adjusting to make the course relevant to the attendees. 10/10!”
– Reckitt Benckiser, Bespoke Claims Training: Online Nov 23 

“A HUGE thank you for the incredible training workshop! Love Michael’s engaging style as it kept the room captivated and eager to learn more.”

– Dyson, Bespoke Green Training: In-person June 23 

Who is it for?

  • Those who can’t find the training topic they’re looking for offered on our website,
  • Teams of five or more who would like to be trained together,
  • Teams who would benefit from a confidential Q&A session,
  • Those who would like to cherry-pick topics from our course offerings to create a unique session,
  • Those with specific timing or duration requirements,
  • Those with varying skill and experience levels within their team,
  • Those who wish to take courses which we have previously offered such as Creative, International, Travel, Gambling, Legal Supers or Environmental.

How will I learn?

We can offer training as online webinars, in-person hosted at our London office, or we can even come to you.

How can I book?

Please fill out the enquiry form above, or email, with an outline of your requirements and a member of the team will arrange a phone call to discuss your options.


The possibilities are endless with Bespoke training as we will tailor the course content specifically for the needs of you and your team.

The sessions aim to improve your understanding of the BCAP Code and its application in the areas that you work in, relating the rules to your own practice directly.

For example, if you’re part of an Agency we can focus on issues affecting your main account, or if you’re an Advertiser we can focus on your specific sector, or areas of particular concern.

You may also wish to re-run a past course such as Creative, International, Travel, Gambling, Legal Supers or Environmental.

"The webinars were fantastic – extremely clear, engaging, entertaining and insightful. This sentiment was shared unanimously by the rest of the team. All in all a very slick and impressive operation!"
Noom, online Jan 21
"Opened my eyes to the world of advertising. Extremely educational and engaging. Now we're in a better position to take more calculated and informed risks with the creative direction in the future."
THG Studios, in-person Feb 23
"Very competent trainer not just in terms of subject matter expertise but also delivery. Michael was able to answer all questions and appeared to be actively adjusting to make the course relevant to the attendees. 10 out of 10."
Reckitt Benckiser, online Nov 23
"Just want to say a HUGE thank you for the incredible training workshop you delivered! Love your engaging style as it kept the room captivated and eager to learn more. The training was very well received and everyone agrees that they benefited a lot from all the insights and knowledge you shared!"
Dyson, in-person June 23