By Alyx Leeming, admin & communications executive
If you’ve ever used our TV Admin service, then you’ll know Danny Turner (business affairs manager), who runs the service. He will manage all of the admin aspects involved in getting the ad to air, on your behalf – from copy clearance to delivering it to the stations and sending copy rotations. I sat down with Danny to find out what it’s like to run the service and to get his top tips on how you can get the most out of it.
First of all, when would you say is the best time to use the Clearcast TV Admin service?
At any stage really! We can manage the whole process of getting your ad to air, or just some of the process. We can do clearance through to final delivery of an asset (and that can be International clearance as well, or copy advice if it’s required.) Anyone that’s not sure should speak to us anyway and we’ll tell you pretty quickly whether we can or can’t help you.
So you would tell someone if you felt like it wasn’t in their best interest to use the service?
Yep – we’re always very transparent with the scenario. If you come to us and we aren’t sure if the service on that occasion would actually help – I wouldn’t just say yes because we can charge for it. We would never send anyone away, but we’ll always be honest about where and how we can help.
What are the most common reasons for people to use the service?
A variety of reasons actually. If it’s last minute, if it’s urgent, if they don’t have the resource, or, basically if they don’t want to manage it. People sometimes don’t want to commit to a different system or service or they’re only going to do this one ad this year, so they’re saying ‘I don’t know what I’m doing, help me, I’d rather pay for it than manage it.’
How long have you been doing TV Admin for?
I’ve been at Clearcast about 13 years. I’ve been doing TV Admin for about, not sure, what is it now? It’s 6 years!
What do you enjoy working on the most?
I quite like doing the international stuff because you see some of the nuances of other countries with different rules that don’t necessarily apply to here. A lot of Europe is the same – they’re all pretty much about protecting children, misleading us, that sort of thing. But you sometimes get some really unique rules. Using France as an example, you’re not able to show food being consumed in front of a screen, automobiles on unmarked roads, and then the protection of the French language law – they’re the sorts of things that are quite interesting.
Can you leave us with your top tip on what to look out for to avoid delays or a tricky process?
My top tip would definitely be to ensure that you’re aware of the most up to date file specs and to ensure that your videos are in those from the start. This is the thing that tends to cause the most delays, so it’s important to get this right if you want a smooth process. If you can’t find the specs, let me know and I can help you with that.
For costs and more information, please contact Danny on 020 7339 4770 or